Saturday, May 22, 2010

Your Computer is Not Run by Magic.

Computers do not run on magic. There is no wizard hiding behind that sliding side cover, and the monitor is not responsible for generating the graphic display. Here is a guide to PC components.

One: The breakdown works like this

The Motherboard mounts inside of the case. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) and various other components are integrated onto the motherboard. Read Only Memory (ROM) is also incorporated into the motherboard. Random Access Memory (RAM) mounts on the motherboard. Peripheral Cards (Graphic, Network, Audio, and more) can be freestanding press-in components or integrated motherboard components. Hard Drives and Optical Drives mount into compartments within the case and communicate with the motherboard via direct cable connection.

Two: Software versus Hardware

A computer's physical components are referred to as "hardware". The digital applications that utilize the hardware are termed "software".

Three: Motherboard Details

The Motherboard is the core of system communications whether hardware-to-hardware, software to hardware, or back again. Motherboards contain slots and sockets that can be used for attaching various peripheral devices such as audio, communication, or printer cards. On some motherboards, these type peripherals are not separable from the motherboard.

Four: Purpose of the CPU

Though often assisted by a separate math coprocessor and other customized chips, the CPU manages the bulk of system activity. This is the core of computer number crunching. Numbers are the essences of electronic communication.

Five: ROM

Read Only Memory is the ever-present component of computer awareness. This is the battery maintained BIOS memory that contains the core system activation information.

Six: RAM

The removable and upgradeable temporary data storage chips that plug into slots on the motherboard are called RAM. Think of RAM as a black board, erased and reused at the beginning and end of each class.

Seven: Peripheral Cards

Though some peripheral cards may not be critical to system operation, it is false to think that these computer accessories are secondary and unnecessary. Video cards drive the graphics that get displayed on your monitor. Sound devices help create music. Network cards permit data sharing and Internet activities. Whether integrated on the motherboard or slot installed, a computer that lacks adequate peripheral devices would be near to worthless.

Eight: Disk Drives

Disk drives can be internal or external. They can consist of combined electronic, magnetic, and mechanical components or they can be purely electronic. Every disk drive acts as a magnetic filing cabinet. Some, like RAM, act as temporary units; most are able to hold data independent of an external power source.

Peter Simpson writes guides to computing gadgets and new technology. Peter enjoys all sorts of computing and he can tell you why that hp monitor goes with your hp desktop, the joy of apple mac and the effectiveness of norton antivirus.



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